Judul : Modern Housewife Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate and Strawberries
link : Modern Housewife Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate and Strawberries
Modern Housewife Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate and Strawberries
Opäť sme sa Tammy "hrali na fotenie". My sa tak rady hráme, odkedy sa poznáme - približne posledných 21 rokov. Práve včera sme spomínali čo všetko sme spolu už zažili. Ah, je super mať bestfriendku, ktorá s vami prežije všetky prvé lásky, drámy, dospievanie, hľadanie miesta na svete...
We "played photo-shooting" again with Tammy. We love to play ever since we know each other - so approximately the last 21 years. Just yesterday we talked about how much fun we experienced together so far. Oh, it is awesome to have best friend, who lives through your first love, through drama, growing up, searching for a place in the world...
Chceli sme spolu niečo upiecť v téme "Spoiled Housewife" inširované klipom Why don't you love me od Beyoncé. Výsledok je podľa mňa skôr Sexy Modern Housewife, ale veľmi sa mi páči. Dúfam, že aj vám. (Teraz mám ďalšie fotky do priečinka Tammy - Bohyňa.)
We wanted to bake something together in theme "Spoiled Housewife" inspired by Why don't you love me by Beyoncé. The result looks more like a Sexy Modern Housewife but I like it a lot. I hope you will too. Now I have even more photos to add to the Tammy - Goddess file.
We "played photo-shooting" again with Tammy. We love to play ever since we know each other - so approximately the last 21 years. Just yesterday we talked about how much fun we experienced together so far. Oh, it is awesome to have best friend, who lives through your first love, through drama, growing up, searching for a place in the world...
Chceli sme spolu niečo upiecť v téme "Spoiled Housewife" inširované klipom Why don't you love me od Beyoncé. Výsledok je podľa mňa skôr Sexy Modern Housewife, ale veľmi sa mi páči. Dúfam, že aj vám. (Teraz mám ďalšie fotky do priečinka Tammy - Bohyňa.)
We wanted to bake something together in theme "Spoiled Housewife" inspired by Why don't you love me by Beyoncé. The result looks more like a Sexy Modern Housewife but I like it a lot. I hope you will too. Now I have even more photos to add to the Tammy - Goddess file.
Keďže som ešte predtým nepiekla bábovku (vidím ako krútite udivene očami), skúsili sme recept na Mramorovú Bábovku z mojej aktuálne najobľúbenejšej Veľkej Knihy o Varení. Obsahuje všetky recepty, ktoré som chcela vždy vedieť uvariť. Fakt praktické dielo. Bábovku sme doplnili o čokoládovú polevu a jahôdky, aby bola šťavnatejšia a samozrejme krajšia.
Since I haven't bake a bundt cake before (I see your eyes rolling), we tried recipe for Marble Bundt Cake from my now favorite lately book called The Cooking Book. It contains all the recipes I ever wanted to learn to cook. Very practical work. We added chocolate glaze and strawberries to moisten it up. And of course, it also looks more attractive with it.
Since I haven't bake a bundt cake before (I see your eyes rolling), we tried recipe for Marble Bundt Cake from my now favorite lately book called The Cooking Book. It contains all the recipes I ever wanted to learn to cook. Very practical work. We added chocolate glaze and strawberries to moisten it up. And of course, it also looks more attractive with it.
- 1 1/2 hrnčeka masla
- 2 hrnčeky hladkej múky
- 1 1/2 hrnček kryštálového cukru
- 3 vajcia
- 2 pol. lyžica kakaa
- štipka soli
- 2 pol. lyžice mlieka
- 4 čaj. lyžičky kypriaceho prášku
- pár kvapiek vanilkového extraktu
- 2 hrnčeky jahôd
- 150g čokolády
- práškový cukor na poprášenie
1. Predhrejeme rúru na 180°C. Vytrieme formu maslom a vysypeme múkou.
2. V miske vyšľaháme maslo do hladka. Postupne primiešame cukor, vanilkový extrakt a soľ, kým zmes nie je hustá a hladká.
3. Po jednom pridávame vajcia. Za každým dobre vymiešame.
4. Primiešame preosiatu múku s práškom do pečiva na dvakrát, medzitým pridáme 2 polievkové lyžice mlieka.
5. Dve tretiny zmesi vylejeme do menšej formy. Do zvyšku zmesi preosieme kakaový prášok so zvyškom mlieka (2 pol. lyž.).
6. Kakaovú zmes vylejem do formy, trochu rozvírime, aby sa vytvoril mramorový vzor. Pečieme 35minút, kým cesto nenarastie a nebude zlatisté.
7. Necháme vychladnúť vo forme 10minút, potom preložíme na mriežku.
8. Kým upečená bábovka chladne, roztopíme čokoládu vo vodnom kúpeli. Umyjeme a vysušíme jahody.
9. Bábovku na servírovacom tanieri polejeme roztopenou čokoládou, ozdobíme jahodami a posypeme práškovým cukrom. (Poprípade posypeme nastrúhanou čokoládou.)
1. Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F. Grease the pan and sprinkle it with a flour.
2. Beat butter in the bowl until smooth. Gradually stir in sugar, vanilla extract and salt until the mixture is thick and smooth.
3. Add eggs, beat after each.
4. Stir in half of sifted flour with the baking powder, then add 2 tablespoons of milk. Add the second half of sifted flour.
5. Pour 2/3 of the mixture into a smaller bundt cake pan. To the rest of the mixture sift cocoa powder with the rest of the milk (2tblspoons).
6. Pour cocoa mixture into the pan, stir it a little to make a marble pattern. Bake for 30 minutes, until the dough grows and become gold.
7. Let cool for 10 minutes in the pan, then put out from the pan and let cool completely.
8. While bundt cake cooling, melts chocolate in a water bath. Wash and dry strawberries.
9. Put bundt cake on the serving plate. Glaze it with melted chocolate, decorate with strawberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
4. Primiešame preosiatu múku s práškom do pečiva na dvakrát, medzitým pridáme 2 polievkové lyžice mlieka.
5. Dve tretiny zmesi vylejeme do menšej formy. Do zvyšku zmesi preosieme kakaový prášok so zvyškom mlieka (2 pol. lyž.).
6. Kakaovú zmes vylejem do formy, trochu rozvírime, aby sa vytvoril mramorový vzor. Pečieme 35minút, kým cesto nenarastie a nebude zlatisté.
7. Necháme vychladnúť vo forme 10minút, potom preložíme na mriežku.
8. Kým upečená bábovka chladne, roztopíme čokoládu vo vodnom kúpeli. Umyjeme a vysušíme jahody.
9. Bábovku na servírovacom tanieri polejeme roztopenou čokoládou, ozdobíme jahodami a posypeme práškovým cukrom. (Poprípade posypeme nastrúhanou čokoládou.)
- 1 1/2 cup butter
- 2 cups plain flour
- 1 1/2 crystal sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2 tablespoon cocoa
- pinch of salt
- 2 tablespoon milk
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- a few drops of vanilla extract
- 2 cups strawberries
- 150 g chocolate
- icing sugar for dusting
1. Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F. Grease the pan and sprinkle it with a flour.
2. Beat butter in the bowl until smooth. Gradually stir in sugar, vanilla extract and salt until the mixture is thick and smooth.
3. Add eggs, beat after each.
4. Stir in half of sifted flour with the baking powder, then add 2 tablespoons of milk. Add the second half of sifted flour.
5. Pour 2/3 of the mixture into a smaller bundt cake pan. To the rest of the mixture sift cocoa powder with the rest of the milk (2tblspoons).
6. Pour cocoa mixture into the pan, stir it a little to make a marble pattern. Bake for 30 minutes, until the dough grows and become gold.
7. Let cool for 10 minutes in the pan, then put out from the pan and let cool completely.
8. While bundt cake cooling, melts chocolate in a water bath. Wash and dry strawberries.
9. Put bundt cake on the serving plate. Glaze it with melted chocolate, decorate with strawberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
PS: Ak ma budete chcieť jedného dňa urobiť šťastnou, snívam o tejto Royal Crown forme na bábovku v tvare koruny.
PS: If you want to make me happy some day, I dream about this Royal Crown Bundt Cake Pan.
Thank you for correcting my English:
Tammy Nižňanská
Tammy Nižňanská