Judul : Healthy Sunday Nut Cake
link : Healthy Sunday Nut Cake
Healthy Sunday Nut Cake
Ah, cítite tú jar vo vzduchu? Toľko krásnych vôní. A najkrajšie z celej záhrady nám vonia magnólia. Síce už odkvitla, ale tu je foto-spomienka na jednu peknú jarnú nedeľu, keď sme s maminkou dostali nekonečnú chuť na sladké.
Oh, can you smell the spring in the air? There are so many wonderful scents around now. The most beautiful of them is our magnolia. Although it has already wilted away, here is a photo-memento of the nice spring Sunday when we had an endless appetite for sweets with my mom.
Spoločnými silami sme vytvorili ľúbezný Orechový Koláč zo surovín, ktoré sme našli doma. Musím povedať, že som veľmi spokojná s výsledkom - zaradím ho do svojho koláčového repertoára.
Together we created this cute Nut Cake from the ingredients we found at home. I must say that I am very satisfied with the result - I immediately saved it a spot in my cake repertoire!
Oh, can you smell the spring in the air? There are so many wonderful scents around now. The most beautiful of them is our magnolia. Although it has already wilted away, here is a photo-memento of the nice spring Sunday when we had an endless appetite for sweets with my mom.
Spoločnými silami sme vytvorili ľúbezný Orechový Koláč zo surovín, ktoré sme našli doma. Musím povedať, že som veľmi spokojná s výsledkom - zaradím ho do svojho koláčového repertoára.
Together we created this cute Nut Cake from the ingredients we found at home. I must say that I am very satisfied with the result - I immediately saved it a spot in my cake repertoire!
- 4 žĺtky
- 4 vyšľahané bielky
- 4 pol. lyžice trstinového cukru
- 2 pol. lyžice hladkej múky
- 2 pol. lyžice mletých vlašských orechov
- 7 pol. lyžíc oleja
- 2 čaj lyž. prášku do pečiva
- 1/2 čaj. lyž soli
- 100g tmavej čokolády
- 100g čučoriedkového džemu
- 100g miešaných orechov (ja som použila vlašské, mandle a lieskovce)
1. Predhrejeme rúru na 180°C / 350°F.
2. Vymiešame žĺtky s cukrom. Pridáme olej a mleté vlašské orechy. Prisypeme múku s práškom do pečiva.
3. Vyšľaháme bielky a zľahka vmiešame špachtľou do žĺtkovej zmesi. Vlejeme do vymastenej formy na pečenie a pečieme 20 minút.
4. Vyberieme korpus a necháme vychladnúť. Rozrežeme ho horizontálne na polovicu, natrieme čučoriedkovým džemom a zlepíme späť.
5. Polejeme koláč čokoládou a ozdobíme nakrájanými orechami podľa vkusu.
1. Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C.
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar. Add oil, ground walnuts and flour.
3. Beat the egg whites and gently stir with a spatula into the yolk mixture. Add baking powder. Pour into greased baking pan and bake for 20 minutes.
4. Remove from oven and let it cool. Cut in two layers. Spread blueberry jam and put layers together.
5. Pour with the chocolate glaze and sprinkle with nuts.
A keďže chceme byť pekné (do plaviek) a zdravé, urobili sme ho do menšej (priemer 20cm) formy na pečenie, použili sme špaldovú múku a ľanový olej. Takže ak ho chcete pre viac ľudí, len zdvojnásobte ingrediencie.
We used a smaller (diameter 20cm) baking pan, spelt flour and linseed oil, because we want to look fit (in our hot swimwear) and to be healthy. If you want to share your cake with more people, just double the ingredients.
Na tomto koláčiku som si vyskúšala nový micro objektív od maminky k narodeninám. Aj Zaira asistovala ako modelka. Vidíte rozdiel vo fotografiách?
Thanks to this cake I had opportunity to try my new micro lens. I got it for my birthday from my mom. Zaira assisted as a model too. Can you see the difference between old and new pictures?
- 4 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites (beaten)
- 4 tablespoons cane sugar
- 2 tablespoons plain flour
- 2 tablespoons ground walnuts
- 7 tablespoons oil
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 100g dark chocolate
- 100g blueberry jam
- 100 mixed nuts (I used walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts)
1. Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C.
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar. Add oil, ground walnuts and flour.
3. Beat the egg whites and gently stir with a spatula into the yolk mixture. Add baking powder. Pour into greased baking pan and bake for 20 minutes.
4. Remove from oven and let it cool. Cut in two layers. Spread blueberry jam and put layers together.
5. Pour with the chocolate glaze and sprinkle with nuts.

A keďže chceme byť pekné (do plaviek) a zdravé, urobili sme ho do menšej (priemer 20cm) formy na pečenie, použili sme špaldovú múku a ľanový olej. Takže ak ho chcete pre viac ľudí, len zdvojnásobte ingrediencie.
We used a smaller (diameter 20cm) baking pan, spelt flour and linseed oil, because we want to look fit (in our hot swimwear) and to be healthy. If you want to share your cake with more people, just double the ingredients.
Na tomto koláčiku som si vyskúšala nový micro objektív od maminky k narodeninám. Aj Zaira asistovala ako modelka. Vidíte rozdiel vo fotografiách?
Thanks to this cake I had opportunity to try my new micro lens. I got it for my birthday from my mom. Zaira assisted as a model too. Can you see the difference between old and new pictures?
Thank you for correcting my English:
Valentína Kasperová
Valentína Kasperová