Judul : DIY Herb Garden in the Basket
link : DIY Herb Garden in the Basket
DIY Herb Garden in the Basket
I decided to learn how to cook this summer because I can't eat just cakes. But I found out that most of recipes I like contain fresh herbs. That's great, because it is tasty and healthy, but buying fresh herbs all the time is quite expensive. Fortunately, I found a beautiful book called The Big book of Herbs at home.
Po naštudovaní som zistila, že pestovanie byliniek je relatívne jednoduché aj pre záhradníka začiatočníka. Všimla som si, že je to teraz asi moderné, takže nájdete veľa nápomocných článkov na nete a blogoch. Zaujímavé sú aj kreatívne nápady na črepníky.
After reading it I realized that growing herbs is relatively easy even for a beginner at gardening. Plus, growing herbs is very hip, so you can find a lot of helpful articles and blogposts about it. I also like the numerous creative ideas about plant pots.
Stačí zistiť aké recepty chceme pripravovať, podľa toho si vybrať bylinky, prečitať si ich nároky na pestovanie, vybrať zem, miesto a pravidelne zalievať. Ja som si vybrala Mätu, Levanduľu, Rozmarín, Bazalku, Petržlen, Oregano, Pažítku a Šalviu. O každej som si zistila, čo potrebuje:
After reading it I realized that growing herbs is relatively easy even for a beginner at gardening. Plus, growing herbs is very hip, so you can find a lot of helpful articles and blogposts about it. I also like the numerous creative ideas about plant pots.
You just have to decide what kind of recipes you want to make, according to that you choose the herbs, learn what they need for planting, choose suitable type of soil, suitable place and water regularly. I chose the following kinds: Mint, Lavender, Oregano, Chives and Sage. For each, I learned they need the following things:
polotieň až slnečno, vlhká pôda, vlastný črepník
half shade to sunny place, moist soil, own pot
half shade to sunny place, moist soil, own pot
slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, hnojivo s postupným uvoľňovaním, väčší črepník, zarezávať na jar, ale nie do dreva, neprelivať
sunny place, permeable soil, big pot, have to cut in the spring but not into the wooden party, water a little
sunny place, permeable soil, big pot, have to cut in the spring but not into the wooden party, water a little
slnečné miesto, priepustná voda, štrk/piesok pri hlavnej stonke, mierny rez, spodné listy by nemali byť vlhké
sunny place, permeable soil, gravel/ sand on the main stem, cut a little, lower leaves should stay dry
sunny place, permeable soil, gravel/ sand on the main stem, cut a little, lower leaves should stay dry
chránené slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, pravidelne polievať, citliví na teplo ( potrebuje (16°C<)
protected sunny place, permeable soil, water regularly, sensitive to heat ( needs 16°C</60°F<)
protected sunny place, permeable soil, water regularly, sensitive to heat ( needs 16°C</60°F<)
slnečné miesto, vlhká pôda, priepustná pôda, často zalievame, odštipovaním podporíme rast
sunny place, permeable moist soil, water often, cutting increases growth
sunny place, permeable moist soil, water often, cutting increases growth
slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, neprelievať
sunny place, permeable soil, water a little
slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, neprelievať, odburinovať
sunny place, permeable soil, water a little
sunny place, permeable soil, water a little
slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, neprelievať, odburinovať
sunny place, permeable soil, water a little
slnečné miesto, priepustná pôda, najlepšie zásaditá, mierne odrezávanie
sunny place, permeable soil, preferably alkaine, cut a little
sunny place, permeable soil, preferably alkaine, cut a little
I keď väčšina týchto byliniek sú schopné prežiť vonku, plánujem ich na zimu preniesť do kuchyne, nech si aj vtedy môžem plnohodnotne variť.
After considering the needs of the individual herbs I decided to plant Mint, Lavender and Rosemary in their own individual pots. I planted Basil together with Parsley and oregano, and Chives and Sage together. So far, every herb is doing great except Basil. It doesn't like changing actual weather and snail "feasts". I catch snails using beer for now, but if it doesn't improve I will see what I'll do next.
Although most of these herbs are able to survive outside in the garden even in the winter, I decided to bring them into the kitchen for winter so I can cook all year long.
1. Košík vystelieme hrubým igelitom. Môžeme ho pripevniť šnúrkou alebo drôtom, no ja som lenivá, tak som ho nechala tak.
2. Na spod nasypeme vrstvu štrku alebo okruhliakov, aby korene nestály vo vode.
3. Nasypeme vrstvu vhodnej zeminy podľa nárokov bylinky.
4. Vyskúšame do akej výšky ju treba dosypať, aby bola rastlinka zarovno s okrajom košíka.
5. Odstránime suché a žlté listy z rastlinky.
6. Dosypeme zvyškom zeminy, zatlačíme ju a polejeme. Ak treba dosypeme ešte raz.
Zaira bit through on of our baskets so I decided to use it as a planter. The rest of planters on the picture are bought. The process of planting herbs into the basket is as follows:
1. Put a thick plastic bag onto the bottom of the basket. You can attach it by a strain or wire but I am too lazy for that.
2. Put a layer of gravel into it so the roots will not stay in water.
3. Put a layer of suitable soil according to the herbs needs.
4. Try how much extra soil you need so plant will be with the edge of the basket.
5. Remove dry and yellow leaves of plants.
6. Put rest of the soil, push it and water it. If needed put more soil again.
Zaira bit through on of our baskets so I decided to use it as a planter. The rest of planters on the picture are bought. The process of planting herbs into the basket is as follows:
1. Put a thick plastic bag onto the bottom of the basket. You can attach it by a strain or wire but I am too lazy for that.
2. Put a layer of gravel into it so the roots will not stay in water.
3. Put a layer of suitable soil according to the herbs needs.
4. Try how much extra soil you need so plant will be with the edge of the basket.
5. Remove dry and yellow leaves of plants.
6. Put rest of the soil, push it and water it. If needed put more soil again.
Budem veľmi rada, keď sa so mnou podelíte o vaše rady pre efektívnejšie pestovanie. Zatiaľ pridávam tipy, čo som pozbierala:
- Bylinky vždy presaďte do väčšieho kochlíčka, v obchodoch majú chúďatá natlačené korene v čo najmenších nádobkách.
- Mäta je veľmi rozpínavá, mala by byť sama v kochlíku, aby neobmedzovala ostatné bylinky.
- Keď si kúpite menšie nedospelé sadeničky, pravdepodobne z nich vyrastú zdravšie rastliny.
- Odstraňovaním zvädnutých kvetov predĺžime dobu kvitnutia.
- Aby si usušené bylinky zachovali čo najlepšiu chuť, začnime ich sušiť čo najskôr po zbere.
I bought grown up plants because I am an absolute beginner. if it goes well next year I can try growing from seeds.
I will be very happy if you share your advice for effective planting with me. For now I add some tips I've found:
- Always replant a herb into a larger pot, in shops they unfortunately have very cramped roots in small pots.
- Mint is a very expansive plant, it should have its own planter so it doesn't restrain other plants.
- If you buy smaller immature plants, they will grow healthier and stronger.
- Removing faded flowers will prolong the flowering period.
- Dried herbs will maintain the best flavor if you dry them as soon as possible after harvest.
- Keď si kúpite menšie nedospelé sadeničky, pravdepodobne z nich vyrastú zdravšie rastliny.
- Odstraňovaním zvädnutých kvetov predĺžime dobu kvitnutia.
- Aby si usušené bylinky zachovali čo najlepšiu chuť, začnime ich sušiť čo najskôr po zbere.
I bought grown up plants because I am an absolute beginner. if it goes well next year I can try growing from seeds.
I will be very happy if you share your advice for effective planting with me. For now I add some tips I've found:
- Always replant a herb into a larger pot, in shops they unfortunately have very cramped roots in small pots.
- Mint is a very expansive plant, it should have its own planter so it doesn't restrain other plants.
- If you buy smaller immature plants, they will grow healthier and stronger.
- Removing faded flowers will prolong the flowering period.
- Dried herbs will maintain the best flavor if you dry them as soon as possible after harvest.
Thank you for correcting my English:
Valentína Kasperová
Valentína Kasperová