Judul : NIKOLO BERTOK and Blackberry Cake with Pecan Nut Crumb
link : NIKOLO BERTOK and Blackberry Cake with Pecan Nut Crumb
NIKOLO BERTOK and Blackberry Cake with Pecan Nut Crumb
Už pár rokov snívam o kimone. Teraz v lete bolo v obchodoch veľa Japonskom inšpirovaných strihov a vzorov, no nenašla som tie pravé pre mňa. Preto mi prišla blížiacia sa promócia ako úžasná zámienka dať si ušiť kimonom inšpirované šaty.
I've been dreaming about a Kimono for several years now. This summer I saw many Japanese prints in stores, but nothing that would be right for me. Which is why my upcoming graduation seemed like a perfect opportunity to get one made.
Dala som si ich ušiť u Nikola, ktorý si pred pár mesiacmi otvoril nádherný fashion store v centre Bratislavy (ZMENA: Nikolo sa presťahoval).
I had them tailored and fitted at Nikolo's, who just recently opened a beautiful fashion store in downtown Bratislava (UPDATE: Nikolo moved to a new adress).
Nikolo Bertok má krásnu vlastnú UNICODE tvorbu, ktorá vyjadruje jeho bezhraničný pohľad na svet. Preto aj jeho logo obsahuje unisex oba symboly. Veľmi sa mi páči fakt, že okrem super extravagatných vlastných modelov, šije aj na mieru zo super kvalitných materiálov za príjemné ceny.
Nikolo Bertok designs beautiful UNICODE pieces that express and showcase his limitless view of the world. His unisex logo also contains both male and female symbols. I really love that apart from his extravagant designs, Nikolo also does custom tailoring from fantastic materials for reasonable prices.
Sranda je, že sa s Nikolom poznáme od základnej školy, ale skamarátili sme sa až teraz. Kto by to bol vtedy do ňho povedal. Vlastne sa to dalo asi čakať, vždy bol to extravagantnejšie dieťa.
The funny thing is, that Nikolo and I have known each other since elementary school, but we only just became friends. Who knew what would become of him? Actually, I guess it was quite expected, since he was quite the extravagant child.

Ah, naozaj milujem jeho obchod. Všetko má dotiahnuté do najmenších detailov, ktoré spolu tvoria krásny harmonický celok. Super! Som tak šťastná koľko šikovných ľudí poznám. Som tak šťastná, že majú odvahu a odhodlanie nasledovať svoje sny.
I really love his store. It's perfect down to the last detail and everything creates a beautiful, harmonious sense of unity. Amazing! I am so happy that I know so many fabulous people. I'm happy that they have the courage to pursue their dreams.
Podľa môjho názoru, všetko čo človek úprimne vytvorí, lebo cíti, že "Toto je ono!" je jeho autobiografická výpoveď - projekcia jeho individuality. Esencia jeho jedinečnosti: kombinácia všetkého, čo zažil, čo ho ovplyvnilo, čomu verí, čo miluje, čo sa v živote naučil. Jeho subjektívne vnímanie sa prenáša do jeho výtvoru.
In my opinion, everything a person creates out of honesty and depth of their heart with the feelng of " This is it!" is his autobiographical expression - a projection of his/her individuality. The essence of his/her uniqueness: a combination of everything he or she experienced, learned, or was influenced by, what he or she believes in and loves. This subjective perception is translated into creativity.
A Nikolov obchod je stelesnená úžasnosť, takže aj Nikolo musí byť. Je milý, zanietený, podáva štvrtok a piatok čaj o piatej a snaží sa vždy nájsť perfektné riešenie pre zákazníka. Dokonca nám s Tammy dovolil nazrieť do príprav zimnej kolekcie, ktorá bude čoskoro hotová.
Nikolo's store is the epitome of fabulous, so, therefore, he must be too. He is kind, passionate, he serves tea at 5 o'clock on Thursdays and Fridays, and he always seeks perfect solution for his customer. He even allowed Tammy and me to take a sneak peek of his upcoming Winter collection.
Nikolo Bertok designs beautiful UNICODE pieces that express and showcase his limitless view of the world. His unisex logo also contains both male and female symbols. I really love that apart from his extravagant designs, Nikolo also does custom tailoring from fantastic materials for reasonable prices.

The funny thing is, that Nikolo and I have known each other since elementary school, but we only just became friends. Who knew what would become of him? Actually, I guess it was quite expected, since he was quite the extravagant child.

Ah, naozaj milujem jeho obchod. Všetko má dotiahnuté do najmenších detailov, ktoré spolu tvoria krásny harmonický celok. Super! Som tak šťastná koľko šikovných ľudí poznám. Som tak šťastná, že majú odvahu a odhodlanie nasledovať svoje sny.
I really love his store. It's perfect down to the last detail and everything creates a beautiful, harmonious sense of unity. Amazing! I am so happy that I know so many fabulous people. I'm happy that they have the courage to pursue their dreams.
Podľa môjho názoru, všetko čo človek úprimne vytvorí, lebo cíti, že "Toto je ono!" je jeho autobiografická výpoveď - projekcia jeho individuality. Esencia jeho jedinečnosti: kombinácia všetkého, čo zažil, čo ho ovplyvnilo, čomu verí, čo miluje, čo sa v živote naučil. Jeho subjektívne vnímanie sa prenáša do jeho výtvoru.
In my opinion, everything a person creates out of honesty and depth of their heart with the feelng of " This is it!" is his autobiographical expression - a projection of his/her individuality. The essence of his/her uniqueness: a combination of everything he or she experienced, learned, or was influenced by, what he or she believes in and loves. This subjective perception is translated into creativity.
A Nikolov obchod je stelesnená úžasnosť, takže aj Nikolo musí byť. Je milý, zanietený, podáva štvrtok a piatok čaj o piatej a snaží sa vždy nájsť perfektné riešenie pre zákazníka. Dokonca nám s Tammy dovolil nazrieť do príprav zimnej kolekcie, ktorá bude čoskoro hotová.
Nikolo's store is the epitome of fabulous, so, therefore, he must be too. He is kind, passionate, he serves tea at 5 o'clock on Thursdays and Fridays, and he always seeks perfect solution for his customer. He even allowed Tammy and me to take a sneak peek of his upcoming Winter collection.
Inšpirovaná návštevou u Nikola som si doma upiekla úžasný Černicový koláč s posýpkou z pekanových orechov podľa tohto receptu. Mám pocit, že sa veľmi hodí k fotkám z návštevy v Nikolovom obchode.
Inspired by this visit, upon gettin home I baked myself a fabulous Blackberry Cake with Pecan Nut Crumb. I used this recipe. I have a feeling that it just complements these pictures to well.
Inspired by this visit, upon gettin home I baked myself a fabulous Blackberry Cake with Pecan Nut Crumb. I used this recipe. I have a feeling that it just complements these pictures to well.
- 1/2 hrnčeka pekanových orechov
- 1/3 hrnčeka trstinového cukru
- 1/4 hrnčeka hladkej múky
- 30g studeného masla
- 1 čajová lyžička škorice
- 113g hrnčeka studeného masla nakrájaného na kocky
- 2 hrnčeky múky
- 1 hrnček trstinového cukru (môže byť aj kryštáľový)
- 2 čajové lyžičky prášku na pečenie
- 1 čajová lyžička soli
- 1 čajová lyžička škorice
- 1 čajová lyžička vanilkového extraktu
- 2 vajcia
- 1 hrnček mlieka
- cca 500g černíc (dá sa nahradiť čučoriedkami)
1. Predhrejeme rúru na 177°C.
2. Rozdrvíme trochu pekanové orechy, pridáme 1/3 hrnčeka trstinového cukru, 1/4 hrnčeka hladkej múky, čajovú lyžičku škorice a 30g studeného masla nakrájaného na kocky. Zmiešavame kým sa nám vytvorí hrudkovitá posýpka. Odložíme nabok.
3. Vytrieme maslom formu na pečenie. V miske vyšľaháme maslo, pridáme cukor, soľ a škoricu. Postupne pridávame vajcia, mlieko, vanikový extrakt. Nakoniec vmiešame múku a prášok na pečenie.
4. Nalejeme 3/4 cesta do formy na pečenie. Posypeme černicami. Dolejeme zvyšok cesta a navrch dáme posýpku.
5. Pečieme cca 1 hodinu. Skontrolujeme zapichnutím špáratka, či je koláč upečený.
1. Preheat oven to 177°C / 350°F.
2. Crush pecan nuts, add 1/3 cup of cane sugar, 1/4 cup of flour, teaspoon of cinnamon and 30 g cubed cold butter. MIx together until you reach chunky crumb. Set aside.
3. Butter the baking pan. In a bowl beat butter with sugar, salt and cinnamon. Gradually add eggs, milk and vanilla extract. Then mix in the flour and baking powder.
4. Pour 3/4 of the dough into your baking pan. Top with blackberries. Pour in remainder of dough and sprinkle with crumb.
5. Bake for approx. 1 hour. Check by inserting toothpick to see if dough is ready.
Ďakujem Nikolo za úžasné šaty. S Tammy obe ďakujeme za super zábavné popoludnie u teba.
Thank you Nikolo for an amazing dress, Tammy and I both thank you for an enetertaining afternoon at your store.
- 1/2 cup pecan nuts
- 1/3 cup cane sugar
- 1/4 cup flour
- 30g cold butter
- 1 tea spoon cinnamon
- 113g cold butter cut into pieces
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup cane sugar (granulated sugar is ok too)
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup milk
- 500g blackberries (you can use blueberries too)
1. Preheat oven to 177°C / 350°F.
2. Crush pecan nuts, add 1/3 cup of cane sugar, 1/4 cup of flour, teaspoon of cinnamon and 30 g cubed cold butter. MIx together until you reach chunky crumb. Set aside.
3. Butter the baking pan. In a bowl beat butter with sugar, salt and cinnamon. Gradually add eggs, milk and vanilla extract. Then mix in the flour and baking powder.
4. Pour 3/4 of the dough into your baking pan. Top with blackberries. Pour in remainder of dough and sprinkle with crumb.
5. Bake for approx. 1 hour. Check by inserting toothpick to see if dough is ready.
Ďakujem Nikolo za úžasné šaty. S Tammy obe ďakujeme za super zábavné popoludnie u teba.
Thank you Nikolo for an amazing dress, Tammy and I both thank you for an enetertaining afternoon at your store.
You can read more about NIKOLO BERTOK at:
Nikolo Bertok fb page
English translation and pure awesomeness:
Tammy Nižňanská
Nikolo Bertok fb page
English translation and pure awesomeness:
Tammy Nižňanská