bath rugs sets

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bath rugs sets


hello guys today we're going to startanother video lesson i will teach you running mat that will embedded in the vasebathroom game in princess crochet we start then we'll take our wireraw we put a ringlet on needle i will take my part i will introduce the needlehere in the middle of the nozzle handle and will hold here with a low following uslet's go up twelve little chains one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleventwelve will next tip will hold with a low point in the handle again willup twelve more little chains one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleventwelve, and we will hold next beak with a low point we're working thisway to end the career i'll finish

this part and once you are ready i return.i finished the race i will now introduce the needle in the first initial low andi will cast off here with a very low point i will work within the handle so i moreonce cast off with another point very low i came here i go up a couple of three little chainsi made a high point in the sequence will work five totaling six then is atwo three four five six will go up now a necklace and i work six morehigh points within the loop then is a high point two three four five six withoutup no little chain i'm going to work the next loop in the same way six pointshigh a necklace six highlights and we will work that way at allthe handles to finish his career with six

highlights a necklace six pointshigh i'll finish this part and so are ready i return.i finished the race i will here in the first low career high point will introducethe needle from behind him and i will cast off with a low point in getting relief will risea couple of little chains see that graduated a high point in relief now we will workto give the six highlights one in relief and without being raised then i made a reliefthe second a normal high point in the third a high point in relief in the fourth pointhigh-normal in the fifth a high point in relief the sixth a normal high point now where i willhas the handle of a necklace will work a high point in the handle a necklaceand the same handle another high point will work

above the first high point here, a pointnormal high a high point in relief in the third a normal high point in the room a high pointembossed on the fifth point in a normal high sixth a high point in relief and we'llworking that way every time you get toward each handle the same waywe started with a high point in relief and finished with a high point in relief the next withoutup no little chain will work a high point in relief and let's wakethe same way as earlier work here i'll finish this part and so isready i return. career ended i will introduce the needlehere the first high point of the early career will finish off with a lowgetting relief will rise now a couple of

little chains a high point in relief followinga normal high point in the third point high relief in the room a normal high pointthe fifth a high point in relief in the sixth a normal high point remembering that careerlow made within the handle of a necklace above a necklace another pointhigh did a normal high point and direction the first high point of the handle will doother normal high point getting two now we will work within the handle of a necklacea high point and a necklace again within another high point handle worknormal two high points here and we will work in the same way across a two and letto follow up with a high point in relief a normal high point high point in reliefa normal high point and ending with a

high point in relief to see that we followthe low career where he had a high point relief made a high point in reliefand where i had a normal high point work a normal high point remembering that in everydirection of each handle we will always start in the first with a high point in reliefwe are ending up with a high point in relief the last high point and here where we didthe first row in the second counting here with the high point of a necklace a pointhigh we did in the career of the handle low are two high points here will bethree in the fourth will be four and fifth will get five good i'll finish thesetwo career missing and so is ready i i finished the careers missing in

raw wire arrematei here at the end with a pointvery low i cut my wire and hid in the back my work now we will startnext career orange wire we pick up the thread the needle put a ringletwe take our part where we have six high points in relief we here atfirst arrest with a low point following we'll climb a necklace made twoour first high point in relief in the second a normal high point in the third pointhigh relief in the room a normal high point and the fifth a high point in relief workon one side we will start the other will start with a high point in relief in the second onenormal high point in the third a high point relief in the room and a normal high pointthe fifth a high point in relief now we

we will work toward the tip uswe work toward every point low career high low andin the middle of the handle will work three points low so are a low two threefour five arrived here on we will handle work three lows one two threefive we did eight are continuing nine ten eleven twelve thirteen we're workingthat way until the end of the race beyond this career we'll work two moreand once you are ready i return with it i finished careers in orange wire arrematei at the end with a very low pointi cut the wire and hid in the work inside out now we'll start the next careerthe raw yarn we will work the party

will embedded in the vessel then we'll starthere with five high points in the middle of the nozzle here we work career following thedrawings and we'll finish this nozzle side right with five high points left topart of which is in the middle without work we we pick up the thread we'll put a ringletthe needle and let's start our career i'm here to tell backwards onelow point two three four five'll hold with a low point will rise now a couple oflittle chains made a high point and now we we will continue our career morefour high point two three four five we will work a high point in relief herethe first following the design a high point normal in the second a high point in reliefthe third a normal high point in the room

and a high point in relief in the fifth work herethe right now we will start the left side we will work startingwith a high point in relief a high point normal in the second and a high point in reliefthe third a normal high point in the room and a high point in relief in the fifth followingwe will work here in the beak thirteen points high so it is a high point, two, threefour five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen and we will continue to workcareer following the drawings to get the other nozzle right endingfive highlights good i'll finish this career and when you're ready ireturn. i arrived at the end of career finalizedwith five high points i will now turn my

piece inside out and will now work fivehighlights will rise here one two three little chains a high point two three fourfive now we will start with a point high relief only when we werewe are working on the right side we were doing a high point in relief caught ahead nowwe'll get by back we'll lasso the wire will bring the needle out frontpass in front of the high point in relief go there back this way pass him on the otherside here and we will work a high point embossed caught from behind like you areseeing the second a normal high point in the third a high point in relief caught from behindbringing the needle out front going there back lacing wire and we will work ourhigh point in relief in the room a high point

normal and the fifth a high point in reliefgoing with the needle out front taking her back thereand making our high point in relief now we will start on the left didthe right and let's start with a point high relief caught by just the samewire tie work my point will the second do a normal high point will the thirdi tie my thread do a high point in relief caught from behind my work here will pointin the room i do a normal high point and finalize here in the fifth with a high point in reliefcaught from behind following we will working our thirteen highlights andwe will continue our career in this way to finalize it beyond these two careerwe will work with two more than in

third we'll work on the rightand the fourth we will work side by left as we are working this careerok well i'm going to finish this part and so i'm ready i return.i finished the four-row finished the last the reverse side now we'll startthe next on the right side will go up a couple of three little chains will lacing wire will jumpa high point of the base of the second career here i will work through high point will go upa necklace lacing wire now we jump a high point near the base willwork part-time high climb a necklace leap above base in the next halfhigh point a necklace leap a high point base again means high point climb onechain on the wire loop jump a high point

base will here the first high pointi raised half high point to see that we we have two high points in relief one findingwith the other will go up a necklace will next i will work part-time highfollowing will go up a necklace and we will continue to work jumping a pointhigh base and we will work through point high to get the next sequencehigh points in relief when you get here where the two high points in reliefwe work a half a point high a necklace and a half high point without skipping any anypoint i will finish this part and so are ready i return.i finished the race noting that at the beginning we climbed three little chains without skipping anyabove base work half point

high in the end we will do the same inlast but we will work through high point and last another half high point now wewe will start the next race in orange wire decorate the baroque i'll put a ringletthe needle we will work in every square two high points we start holdingour wire with a low'll climb a two little chains plus a high point in the sequencein the square next two highlights one two we'll work that wayall around career beyond this career we will work more totaltwo always working in the two square high points in his next careerwe will work toward a high point each high point i will finish this partand once you are ready i return.

here i finished the two races in the baroquedecorate remembering that when the work piece the right side when early baroque decoratethe wrong side here as i am working going back and forth on the right and sidews started the baroque decorate the right and finished the wrong side now we wewe will start the next career raw wire i will put a ringlet the needle will catchmy piece here in the last row worked one hundred sixty-six highlights and i willinsert the needle here in the first holding with a low point following will workseven totaling eight did one two three four five six seven eight followingnow we'll go up eight one little chains two three four five six seven eight willsix skips highlights the basic career

one two three four five six and seventhi will insert the needle and i will make a point down following will work nine mostlows totaling ten will progress with little chains ie with the handleeight little chains to end career coming at the end we will end withlow eight equal points started i will finish this part and once you are readyi'll be back. here i finished my career ended hereeight lows the same manner as we did at first working eight pointslow now we will work side inside out and we'll start the nextcareer we'll come up here a necklace we will introduce the needle in the same placewe do a low point following us

we will work six low points totalseven did one two three four five six seven note that left a low point of careerbase now we will work within this handle eight highlights a necklaceeight high points are then a point high two three four five six seven eighti will now go up a necklace will give i pulled on my highlights and i will workhere the handle eight highlights one two three four five six seven eight continuingwe go here where has the ten lows i'll skip one and go to work followingeight lows a low two three four five six seven eight andwe're working that way all aroundour career to finish another side will be seven lowsjust as we did here at the beginning i

i will end this part and so isready i return. career finalized finalized here sevenlows in the same way we did in start now we'll turn our pieceon the other side and we will work our next career i'm going up here a necklacein the same place i will do a low point in following i will work five more pointsdowns totaling six did one two three four five six note that left a pointbelow the base career will go up now eight little chains one two three four fivesix seven eight will lacing wire will in here handle a necklace will work twohighlights one two will rise now two a couple of little chains will lasso the wire insame place will work two more points

high one two following will rise eightlittle chains a couple of three four five six seven eight going in the direction where we worklow eight points will jump a low the base of the second career will make alow point out that we will work five lows totaling sixdid one two three four five six and we we work all around careeralways in the same way until the end of the other side and we will finish the other side of itform where we started here with six points low i'll finish this part and soi'm ready i return. i finished the race remembering that we didpreviously a handle eight little chains we jumped a low base careerand finalized six lows now

we'll start the next race we willturn the piece on the other side and let's start with a necklace i'll introduce the needlein the same place i will do a low point in following'll work three totalfour did one two three four'll skip a low base career and i will workeight high points one two three four five six seven eight will rise now two little chainsa couple of lacing wire will range here in the two little chains handle will work twohighlights one two will rise two little chains one two in the same place two pointshigh one two will rise now two little chains one two and i will work on the next loopeight high points one two three four five six seven and last eight will nowtoward the lows remembering that

on the bottom row we have six nowwe'll do four'll skip a point under the second on the basis of career will doa low point two three four and we will following up and we will work aroundour career as we did here at the beginning to end on the other sidei'll finish this part and when ready i return.completed the career remembering that the handle eight little chains work eight pointshigh and here at the end jumped two lows base to work four lowsand earlier worked four lows and jumped two basis points to workthe eight little chains handle now we turn our piece on the other side and westart the next career here we go

up a necklace will insert the needlein the same place i will do a low point in following i will work another lowtotaling two low points left over two low career basis points and nowi will climb a two three four five six seven eight little chains will lacing wire willworking two high points in two handle one two little chains will rise again onetwo little chains will work in the handle beak two high points one two up twoa couple of little chains and two high points one two following we will go up nowtwo little chains lacing wire work two high points in two little chains handlethe bottom two career will go up now eight little chains one two three four fivesix seven eight go here towards the points

low'll jump a low point of careerbase will make a low point in the next and again another low totaltwo low points and we will work that way all around the career to endit and in the end we'll finish with two lows jumping two base pointsthe good low career i'll finish this part and once you are ready i return.finished career work here at the end an eight little chains handle jumped twolows base and finalized with two lows now before we finishthe last row of the nozzle we will work around which it will embedded in the carpetvase we will work in all low here we have the low point of careerwe will work towards a low

each of them when you get in careerhigh point we will work two points low in the case here in orange wire baroquedecorate we did in high point so here we'll work two low points onetwo then remembering here that have been made all at high points we toowe will work two low points in the direction of every row coming here we goworking a low point in the direction of each low and here where it has high pointswe will work towards a low each high point, and so onto finalize good career i'll finish this part and once you are ready i we completed the career lows coming across the other nozzle nowwe will start his last career

we go here where has the two lowsi will introduce the needle in the middle and i do a low point now within the loop will workeight high points one two three four five six seven eight now following we willup three little chains one two three will hold here in the two initial loops with alow made a peak point will lasso the wire going into the two little chains handlei will work two highlights one two will rise again three little chains a couple ofthree'll hold here in two loops of beginning with a low made another pointpeak will lacing wire will handle the nozzle here two little chains will make two pointshigh one two three little chains will rise now one two three will hold the two handleshere's start with a low made another

point peak following now wework in the same place two high points one two three little chains will rise againone two three will hold the two handles with a low made another peak point willlacing wire will in two little chains handle i will make two high points one two will go upagain three little chains one two three i will hold the two handles that did inbeginning with a low made another point peak now we will work on eight loophighlights one two three four five six seven eight'll hold now here in the middle oftwo low points with a low and we we will work that way in the same waywe did here at the beginning to the end of career and to reach the other side wherewe'll fit in fine vase i'll finish

this part and once you are ready i return.once video lesson completed over a carpet ready i'll be leaving at the end of the videosome pictures for you are seeing how it is that it was entirely here at the endi worked all below the point where going docked the carpet in the vessel and also finished the lastnipple career getting this way you see either one side asthe other good guys i hope you have enjoyed this video lesson is likedclick there on channel liked to share in in social networks and also those who do notyou signed up for channel to subscribe to receive good posts updates for todayand only until the next video lesson.