discount bath vanities

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discount bath vanities


hey mom! what are we going to do today? you guys only have twenty days left of summervacation, so your daddy and i have a surprise for you. we’re going to have a “back-to-schoolcountdown!” every day we’re going to do something fun! i wonder what we’re going to do today! hey! i think i hear something!

let me look out the window! i see daddy! he’s driving a big motor home! hi, daddy! yay!! i always wanted a motor home! oh, daddy! this awesome! this is going to be the best school countdownever!

kids, for our first two days of our back-to-schoolcountdown, we’re going to go on a vacation in our new rv! oh, i’m so excited! can we go on vacation right now? we sure can. daddy already packed everything we need. whoo hoo! so kids, you ride in the back, and i’llsit in the front. summer fun countdown, here we go!

hey, kristoff, do you think the kids willbe fine just sitting in the back all alone? oh, i’m sure they’re fine. come on, we raise good kids. it’s not like they act like monkeys or anything. oh! this motor home is amazing, and looks howbig this bed is! ooh! let’s jump on the bed! we’re little monkeys jumping on the bed,but we’re not going to fall off and bump

our head. such a bouncy bed! whee! ah! this is the life, and mom and dad have noidea that we’ve been jumping on the bed. ah, it’s so much fun not being supervised! look what i found in the fridge! yummy cake and i’m going to eat it all! hey kids!

i just climbed back here to see how you guyswere doing! hey toby! where did you get that junk food? you shouldn’t be eating that! and who left the fridge wide open? this place looks like a mess, and it lookslike some kids were jumping on this bed. can we have fun on summer vacation? oh, you’re right. we’re supposed to have fun before schoolstarts, so eat as much junk food as you’d

like. all right, kids. let’s stop for the night and then tomorrow,we’ll go drive some more and have another adventure. since we already had dinner, i was thinkingthat tonight we can have a bedtime snack of popcorn. man, i’m so glad microwaves work so fast. look at that popcorn. it’s already done.

mmm! yum, delicious. thank you, daddy! this is the best vacation ever. can i have some popcorn, please? thank you! this is delicious! when you eat some popcorn, toby, pass thepopcorn over here, please. yum!

well, kids, it’s getting late and it’stime for bed. aw, man! hey, anna, after the kids got to bed, i havea surprise for you. oh boy! sounds like fun! yeah. it’ll be awesome. now, let’s pretend we’re going to bedtoo, okay? uhuh.

okay. all right kids. good night! have some sweet dreams! love you! see you in the morning! good night kids! they’re falling asleep. run for it!

daddy! did you just say “run for it?” ummm, lights out! good night, guys! holy cow, kristoff! this motor home has a jacuzzi! i know. isn’t this nice, and the kids don’t evenknow that this exists! oh, this is so great!

we’ll have to do this every night whilewe’re on vacation. and let’s not tell the kids about this cooljacuzzi for a couple of days. all right. that’s fine with me. day two of our road trip, and we’re goingto go see a national park! i’m excited! oh wow! kristoff! look out the window!

i hope the kids are looking out. what a beautiful morning it is. oh yeah! i bet they have their eyes wide open staringout the window right now. hide and seek time! one one thousand; two one thousand; threeone thousand; four one thousand; fie one thousand; six one thousand; seven one thousand; eightone thousand; nine one thousand; ten one thousand. ready or not, here i come! oh, i love this game.

hopefully, i find amber first! let’s see. maybe amber’s in this closet over here. let me open it up. huh! toby! i found you! whoa! that was fast.

i thought i would find amber first ‘causeshe’s not that good at hiding. wow! you found me fast! let’s look for amber together. i think i see amber now. i told you she’s not that good at hiding. come on! you can see her shoes and the fringes a bitopen. all right, amber!

we see you. come on out! why don’t we have you be “it” this time,okay? i’ll hide again. i’ll count ‘cause i’m not very goodat hiding. look how beautiful it is here! you think the kids would like to stop andlook at bryce canyon? i’m not sure, but we need to stop. i’m so tired of sitting; i need to stretchmy legs.

oh, me too! let’s go stop and stretch our legs. where should i hide? one hippopotamus; two hippopotamus; threehippopotamus; four hippopotamus; five hippopotamus; six hippopotamus; seven hippopotamus; eighthippopotamus; nine hippopotamus; ten hippopotamus. heheh! this is going to be awesome! my sisters will freak out when they see myhead in the toilet! oh, annabelle!

where are you? oh, are you in the stove? no. hmmm. maybe you’re in the cabinet? where are you, annabelle? i think i see you! ahah! come out of there!

here, let me move this couch out of the way. all right, annabelle. help me find toby. oh, this is going to be hard. toby hides in such good hiding spots! oh, toby! i can’t find you anywhere! hey, we checked everywhere, but we didn’tcheck the bathroom! maybe he’s right behind here!

good idea! let’s check it out. on the count of three. one; two; three! ew! i can’t believe your head’s in the potty! it’s disgusting! ahhh! i’m going to tell mommy!

heheheh! wait! let’s play hide and seek just one more time! ew, i guess. but don’t hide in the toilet again. gross! amber, i’ll count this time, okay? one one thousand; two one thousand; threeone thousand; four one thousand; five one thousand; six one thousand; seven one thousand;eight one thousand; nine one thousand; ten

one thousand. ready or not! here i come! this time, i’ going to hide somewhere reallyeasy. well amber, are you hiding in the same spoti just had last time? wow, you’re just really not good at playinghide and go seek. i guess i am pretty bad at this. let’s find toby. maybe he’s outside the camper.

maybe he’s in that storage area there. he probably is there! let’s look. i think we found you! holy cow! what’s this! it’s a hot tub! no way! i just can’t believe it!

oh, this is the best thing ever! shouldn’t we be finding toby? aah, we can do that later. when are they ever going to find me? i been hiding here forever! ah, this is so awesome! i wonder why mom and dad never told us aboutthis. we’re done at our rest stop. let’s check on the kids before we hit theroad again.

hey, kristoff! did you leave the jacuzzi open? girls! what are you doing in here? this is supposed to be mommy and daddy’ssecret! oh, we’re playing hide and seek and lookingfor toby. you know, we’d better find him now. bye! they sure ran off in a hurry!

yep! i’ll bet they’ll never go in our jacuzziagain! oh, i sure hope you’re right. annabelle! anna! where are you! they’re never going to find me. there you are! i can’t believe we didn’t see you aroundhere!

so what? we found a secret hot tub! what! really? yeah! it’s amazing, and it has lights and music! we’ll have to sneak in it tonight! i can’t wait! shhh!

quiet! you think mom and dad are asleep? let’s go in the hot tub! yay! hot tub! so toby, can you believe that we found thisthing, and daddy and mommy never told us about it? this is amazing! this is supposed to be our secret spot!

we found your secret spot!! that was such a nice road trip in this motorhome! what do you think we should do when we gethome? well, i told the kids that we should do somethingfun every day before school starts, so maybe we should build a fort in our living room. i bet our kids would love that! well, anna, it looks like we’re finallyhome. mommy, i had such a great time on that roadtrip. what are we going to do next on day threeof our school fun?

oh annabelle, i was thinking that we couldbuild a fort in our living room! yay, mommy! that’s such a great idea! look what i can do! i’m spiderman! oh no! what is toby doing? spidey, spidey, spidey! time to shoot some webs!

what are you doing up there! that’s so dangerous! jump down to me, toby! i’ll fly down to you. hoy cow, spiderman. never do that again, all right? okay, mommy. now, let’s go inside and build a fort withyour sisters. all right kids!

i have the chairs ready to build the fort,but where’s the blankets? kids! oh, they probably went outside for a minute. i guess i’ll just sit here and wait forthem. oooh!! oh, what is that? silky! come to suck your blood! oh, i’m getting scared!

hoohoo! snap! ahh! it’s a vampire! it’s just me, mommy! i scared you good! oh, you totally scared me, toby, but i won’tget scared again! where’s your sisters? aaahhh!!!

oh no, toby! save me from these scary lions! say, wait a minute. you guys aren’t lions. you’re just my girls! you kids know when you scare me, i might scareyou guys back! yeah, right! we know that you get scared easy, but we don’tget scared that easily. oh well, we’ll have to see about that.

let’s get your fort ready, so then you guyscan watch the disney “frozen” movie under it. oh, this fort is so cool! i wish auntie elsa and i would have playedin forts when we were little! here you go, kids! here’s the tv! the disney “frozen” movie should startany minute now. thanks, mommy! i love this movie!

i love it! yeah, you guys probably love it because yourcute mommy and daddy are in it! but you know what? the “frozen” movie would have been betterif we were in it too! oh, i totally agree. hopefully, they’ll make a “frozen ii”movie. well, i better go and let you guys enjoy themovie, but i’ll see you in a little bit. bye, mommy! kristoff, would you like to prank the kids?

oh, of course i would! why don’t we put blankets over our headsand pretend we’re ghosts? huhuh. i like that idea. you come up with the best ideas, sweetie. we’re going to scare the kids so badly,they’re going to pee their pants! huhuhuh! oooh! scary ghost sounds!

hey guys! did you hear something? i’m the ghost that eats only triplets! aaaahhh! oh no!!! oh, i’m so scared; i almost peed in my pants! hahahah! it’s just us! we got you guys good!

mommy and daddy, that was not cool! well, i guess it wasn’t too nice, but we’llmake it up to you. tomorrow, we’ll take you to mcdonald’sfor your fourth day of summer fun! hurray! hi! welcome to mcdonalds! can i take your order please? yes. i would like a jumbo iced tea and make itquick!

oh, out of all the jobs i’ve ever had, ithink this one is one of my favorites! this job is so simple, you just can’t messit up! and since i work for mcdonalds, i get as muchfree mcdonalds food as i like. here you go, ma’am. here’s your jumbo ice cold iced tea. yoik! thank you very much. i’m outta here. wait a minute.

that lady never paid! oops! i guess i never asked her for the money. now don’t get upset, barbie. it’s just one drink that the lady did notpay for. mcdonalds! i’m so glad we’re here for our fourthday of summer fun! you guys have been so good this summer thatwe decided that you deserved to go to mcdonalds! barbie works here.

maybe i can make her go crazy! welcome to mcdonalds. i would like one frosty and then a whopperand then, maybe a pepperoni pizza. oh, hahahah! we don’t stock any of those things at mcdonalds. you’re so silly! so, what would you really like to order? well, barbie, you must be in a really goodmood today. you didn’t get angry.

today is a good day. all righty then. i’d like to order three cheeseburger kid’smeals, a mcflurry and a hamburger. all righty. three cheeseburger kid’s meals, a hamburger,and a mcflurry. your total will be fifteen dollars even. perfect. here’s my card. you’re paying; that’s always good.

here’s your card back and your food shouldbe ready soon. barbie seems like she’s in a really goodmood today. i joked with her, and she didn’t go crazy. i think i’m going to joke with her and seewhat happens! that will be fun to watch! all right, you cute adorable family! here’s your happy meals! and today, we have some really awesome kid’smeals toys inside, so enjoy! okay kristoff and anna.

here’s your food, and because i’m in sucha good mood, i gave you a free apple pie! does everything look good? do you need anything else? everything looks great, but where’s my frosty? oh, kristoff! you’re such a funny guy sometimes. you know that mcdonalds doesn’t sell frosties! i just wanted to fool you. well everybody, enjoy your meal!

i wonder what i got in my happy meal! i hope it’s something cool! a shopkin! i loved this spilled milk shopkin! look! it’s a perfect size for my happy meal! oh look! i got pineapple crush! that’s cool, but look what i got!

i got a coconut shopkin! thanks, mom and dad for taking us here! oh well, you’re quite welcome. i would like a piping hot apple pie, and makeit snappy! one apple pie; that will be one dollar andfifty cents. i recognize that voice. you’re the one that didn’t bay for thaticed tea! me?? i didn’t pay last time?

oh well, i’ll take care of that right now. i have your apple pie, but i’m not givingit to you until i see some cash. i’m so sorry about that. to make it up to you, here’s fifty bucks,and you can keep the change! you’re so generous! thank you. my pleasure, mcdonalds barbie. oh, that lady was just so nice. fifty bucks!

i could probably buy a new pair of shoes! wait a minute! this isn’t fifty bucks! and, it’s fake money! there’s a picture of me on it! and that picture doesn’t look like me atall! i think barbie’s going crazy! oh boy!! time for barbie to go crazy!

oh, i’m so mad! that mean lady giving me fake money with thatugly picture of me on it! i’m so mad; i’m going to rip this up! you know what? i think i’m tired of working at mcdonaldsnow! someone else can work here and get fake moneywith ugly pictures on it! good bye, mcdonalds! hello, new career! this time, i really didn’t think that barbiewas going to go crazy, but i guess she had

to live up to her reputation. if you enjoy this video, please click “like”. oh man! i can’t believe that princess anna is goingto have her girls here at my tea shop! i just gotta make sure that i look good enoughfor the princess. so, i’ll just spray a little perfume hereand there. oh, i just really hope that princess annaloves my style! 1980s fashion is so “in” right now. i got my big poufy dress and my big earrings,and now i just need my big hair to be even

bigger! ooh, maybe while anna’s here, i can showher how to make her big and 1980s like. anna and her girls should be here any minutenow, and that’s just perfect, because my hair looks perfect and i just look so great! i’m sure that this will be a royal tea partyanna and her girls will never forget. amber! where at the tea shop! oh mommy! i’m so excited!

i’ve never been to a tea shop before! do we get to drink this tea right here? nope. one of my friends will serve us. oh, and just so you know, my friend teresadresses a little bit interesting. what do you mean, mommy? oh, you’ll see. princess anna! you finally made it!

oh my, oh my! your girls are so cute! but they are just in their play clothes! they need to be wearing cute princess outfits! kids, go find an outfit in the dresser behindyou while i talk to your mommy. anna, i know you’re here for a tea party,but afterwards, i should really work on your hair. it’s just so not frizzy! oh, no thank you.

big frizzy hair is just not my thing. what? but bigger hair is the rage! ah, yeah. sure it is. well, why don’t we sit down and chat. you can tell me about your dreamy kristoff! well, look at all these clothes that somehowfit in that dresser! there’s so many princess outfits, but iknow just the one for me!

i’m going to be snow white! oh, i just can’t wait ‘til that day thatmy prince will come. hey, annabelle! what do you think you’re going to wear? maybe you could pretend you’re rapunzelor something? nah, amber; i don’t want to be rapunzel. i was thinking maybe i could be minnie mouse. but then again, maybe there’s somethingbetter. hmm.

here’s tinker bell. oh, wait a minute! i think i see something perfect for me! i’m going to be princess aurora just likemommy is today! mommy and i are going to be twins! oh, look at that hat! that’s so weird! does it say “aurora” on it? yes it does.

it’s pretty cool. let’s go show mommy. look at us, mom! hey, mom! do you like our princess costumes? oh, mom, did you notice that i’m dressedup like princess aurora just like you? yeah, i did. that’s so cool, and your hat is pretty neat. it reminds me of a medieval princess.

all right, everyone. are you ready for your tea party? oh, it looks like you guys are! oh, you two look like the prettiest princessesin all the land. first, let me treat you princesses to somecake and then i’ll serve up the tea. now remember; in order to be a good princess,you have to use your manners. so, you keep your napkins on your lap, andno elbows on the table. also, remember when you’re drinking yourtea to lift your pinky finger high up into the air.

we can’t have our elbows on the table? and why do we have to lift our pinky fingerup in the air while we drink the tea? that doesn’t make any sense! i know we’re supposed to act like princesseswhen we’re dressed up like princesses, but come on! uh, maybe i haven’t taught you guys howto act like princesses before, or else, i guess it’s okay if you put your elbows onthe table, but just try to be nice and clean when you drink your tea. well of course, mommy.

it’s not like we’re messy eaters or anything. well, to be honest girls, the reason i sentyou here is because you kind of eat like your daddy, and daddy kind of eats like a reindeer. not very clean. what!! oh, no way, mommy! we’ll prove you here. we’ll eat and drink tea like a princess. show me.

we will. oh, yummy! mm, mm, mm. good tea. mommy, i ate all my cake and i drank all mytea, and i never put my elbows on the table. yeah, me too, mommy, and i never even spilledon my costume. huh, oh my goodness, kids. i just don’t know how you did it, but yousomehow got tea moustaches! you mean amber has a tea moustache, not me.

amber, what were you doing and look! your hat even fell off while you were eating! i have a moustache, but you do too! i act like a princess, so i don’t have amoustache! oh yes you do! do not! do too! kids, kids, kids! stop fighting!

you both have moustaches, all right? oh, hello my royal princesses. how’s the tea party going? oh my, oh my. anna, i never realized that your girls havemoustaches. oh wait a minute. it’s just food on their faces. anna, do you know what this means? it means that your girls must be dirty, likekristoff.

oh, i can’t believe it. i’d better go. it’s time for me to gossip that to barbie! that lady’s weird! i guess we have moustaches, but we don’thave crazy frizzy hair like her! you got a point there, but now what’s goingto happen if barbie just starts gossiping to everyone? ohhhh! boy, am i tired, and this bunk bed is so uncomfortable.

let’s make the best of it and go to bed. good night, wyatt. i hope i have a no-scary-bunnies-dream tonight. bunny dreams! that’s so silly. heheh. (snoring.) oh, this sleepover is the best! guess what?

i think that the boys are already asleep. why don’t we play truth or dare, and maybewe can trick them or something. so what, chelsea, truth or dare? oh, i guess i choose dare, because if i saytruth, you’ll probably ask me if i’m in love with your brother toby. all right then. i have a perfect dare for you. you see toby down there? he really has scary nightmares of bunnies.

for some reason, he’s terrified of big whitebunnies. so, i want you to take this bunny and tryto wake up toby and scare him with it. i don’t want to scare toby, but i guessi’ll just have to do it anyway. oh, this is going to be great. we’re going to watch from up here to makesure you really do it. oh, poor toby. i know he really gets scared when he seesthis bunny stuffed animal. oh, this is going to be a nightmare for him. oh toby!

time to wake up! wake up! there’s a big, scary gi-normous bunny behindyou! whoa, whoa, the bunny has red eyes. aaahh! he’s not waking up! what should i do? just try it again. only be louder this time.

try again! oh, okay. oh, i don’t want to be too loud, but i guessi can try again louder. wake up!! big scary bunny behind you. h, i guess i’ll place the bunny right behindhim and when he wakes up, we’ll have to see. oh, i hope he doesn’t get mad at me. all right, chelsea!

come back up here. let’s continue playing. i’m coming. hey guys, i’m tired. why don’t we just go to bed now? oh, no, no, no! i’m in the land of big bunnies again! it’s bigger than a dinosaur! please don’t eat me!

help! bunnies everywhere! how do i get out of here? they got me! they’re going to eat me! oh, it was just a dream. aaahhh! giant bunny! help me!

what is it? what’s wrong? bunny’s going to eat me! aaahhhh!! are you okay? it was just my stuffed animal bunny, see? it’s miss hops-a-lot. she’s not real, see? just stuffing.

i’m so embarrassed. oh, it was such a good idea to go to the zootoday, and look! there’s a monkey show! hey anna! while you guys are at the petting zoo, i’mgoing to take annabelle to the monkey show. i love the zoo so much! i can hardly wait to see the aminals! this monkey food looks gross! i don’t even know if the monkey would eatit!

here, monkey! do you want some yucky food? he’s eating it! oh, mommy! come here and look! this zoo even has toys for kids! that’s not a toy for you. it’s a toy for an animal! i wouldn’t touch that if i were you.

it might make the animal that owns that balljealous. oh, but i don’t see any other animal, sol’ll just play with it. amber, stop it! grrr! whoa, mommy. i guess you were right. now i’m running out of here. i’m going to feed this cute piggy. here you go, piggy!

hello! the piggy grabbed all the hay! what a piggy! you know, playing with these cute, cuddlybunnies is a lot better than that scary panda bear. i do love bunnies. do you want to hold a cute, cuddly bunny andmaybe feed it too? you want me to hold a bunny? big scary white bunny!

well, it still looks like toby is scared ofbig white bunnies! where did toby go? oh, toby’s hiding in the loft. toby, i know you’ve had nightmares aboutbig white bunnies, but trust me; they don’t bite and you are completely fine. i’m not getting down from here ‘til thebunnies get shipped to africa! oh toby, i guess you could just wait hereuntil we leave. we’re back from the monkey show and it wasawesome! are you holding bunnies?

i’ve got to hold one! ah, bunnies are so cute and cuddly; too badtoby’s scared of them. so anna! how has the petting zoo been? have you guys pet this cute little kitty catover here? his name is cockatoo. yep. you’re a good little cockatoo. ah, you’re so friendly, too.

that’s a snow leopard! a cockatoo is a bird. oh no. it’s biting me and won’t let go! get off! this kitty sure has a good grip! get off!! i think i need to tell the zoo keeper notto place the snow leopard right next to the petting zoo!

well kids, it’s time to go and get myselfrabies shot. come on, toby. so, who had fun at the zoo? i know i did! i loved it too. my favorite thing was holding a bunny andthen watching that leopard bite your hand. that was more than just a bite! that snow leopard had a death grip on daddy’shand. oh yeah.

i’ll bet daddy will learn his lesson fromthat. i don’t eat it…ehhhh! i don’t…ehhhh. ooh ooh ooh ooh ahh ahh ahhh. so kids, what summer fun would you like todo today? well mom, your braids are looking crazierand crazier. i think you need a hair make over. yeah, mommy! you always are wearing your hair in braids!

let’s see what your hair looks like down! we should dye your hair, too! dye my hair! what color would i dye it? why don’t you dye your hair the same coloras ours? brown! brown, huh? i’ve always wanted to have brown hair. so maybe i should do it and if i have brownhair, i’ll look more like you girls!

let’s dye your hair! this is going to be fun! i want to dye your hair! all right, mom. the first thing we’re going to do is takeout these weird, scary braids of yours. i just do not know why you habe two braids,and then you tie them together. well mommy, you look even better just withyour hair down. thanks, amber. so, we don’t have to dye my hair then?

oh no, no, no! we still have to dye it brown! i want you to look like me. oh, but before we dye it, we have to brushit! this is fun, amber. toby, you should try it too! i’ve never brushed mommy’s hair before. this is fun! let me start dyeing your hair with this washablebrown marker.

uh, it doesn’t seem like it’s workingwhen you’re sitting up! so mommy, would you just lay down on the floorand i should be able to color your hair easier. i can’t believe i’m doing this! oh it’s okay, mommy! you can trust me. anyway, this is good for my hand-eye co-ordination,and you want me to have good hand-eye co-ordination, right? huh, i guess so. just don’t color my face, okay?

oh of course not, mom. come on. it’s not like i’m two years old or anything. whoa, mom! do you see it’s getting even more brown? i love it, and i think daddy will love ittoo! he’s going to be so happy that you havebrown hair just like his two little girls! all right, mommy! i’m finished, and if you don’t like it,you can just wash it out.

oh, i hope it looks good. let me sit up. so kids, what do you think? do i look good as a brunette? wow, mommy. you look amazing! it looks like you have brown hair with redhighlights! wow, mom! i love your hair.

thanks, toby. daddy should be home any minute now. i wonder what he’s going to say. oh anna! i’m home! oh hey, kristoff! well anna! you look so different! the kids changed my hair.

well, your hair’s all crimped and beautiful,and did you dye it too? they colored it with a marker! oh, you look beautiful, sweetheart! oh, thank you. maybe i should have the kids play with myhair more often! well, what do you think, kids? i’d love to! yeah, definitely. well, if they dye my hair again, i wonderwhat color i should dye it?

i love summer! this is the best tea time ever! this is better than disneyland! oh, you’re right! this is even better than the teacups at disneyland! you guys are supposed to drink out of thoseolaf cups! it’s just gross to be sitting in somethingyou’re supposed to be drinking out of. come on, we are having fun! anyway, we take a bath every day, so we’reclean.

yeah, i know. but, why don’t you guys play in the cupsafter we have the tea party? so let’s drink tea now and then you cansit in the cups! well, let’s have our tea party. where are the plates? here, i have the plate! these plates are as big as me! look, mom! two of these plates have you on them!

cool! and the other two plates have auntie elsaon them! i want this plate with auntie elsa on it! well, that’s fine. you two can have the elsa plates and tobyand i can have the anna plates, and have our special olaf iced tea. who would like to pour the tea for us? i want too, mommy! i want tea out of a bask.

that looks just like a melted olaf. i’m going to give each of you a half ofa cup, and if you want more, i can pour some more later. oh, this is so much fun, and i haven’t evenspilled any tea. now that i am done pouring the tea, let meadd some lemon. these lemons just hit the spot on a warm summerday. one last lemon for toby. anna, just put my lemon in the cup. all right, toby.

i can do that. delicious olaf tea. time to drink up! slurp, slurp, slurp. mmmm! delicious! yummy! toby, you’re drinking like sven the reindeer! what’s wrong with drinking like a reindeer?

oink! toby, you’re mommy’s little piggy, aren’tyou? yes you are. i’m mommy’s little piggy. amber, annabelle! why don’t we teach toby how to drink likeroyalty? toby, i can drink like a princess. gulp, gulp. me too, and i don’t make any piggy or reindeersounds.

let me try again. oink, oink! slurp, slurp, oink, oink! reindeer, reindeer! you are so funny! that’s why you love me. mommy, i really love your hair brown becauseit looks like ours, but i think i want to dye it again. annabelle, why do you want to dye it againif you love my hair brown?

well, it was so much fun last time i wantto do it again! mommy, can we dye your hair blond this time? pretty please with sugar on top? i would love blond hair like elsa, but i can’tbecause my hair is already a dark red. oh mom, why don’t we dye your hair purplethen? we should dye it pink and maybe blue too! whoa, you guys want to dye my hair purple,pink and blue? that would be awesome! yeah, you’d be the coolest mommy ever!

oh i am agreeing to this, but i guess youguys can dye my hair! all right, mommy. i filled up the bath tub and all you haveto do is dunk your hair into the water and your brown hair dye should wash out. i guess we’ll see if this brown hair dyewill actually come out. so girls, is it working? is the hair dye coming out? or, am i going to be a brunette forever? so, how do i look?

mommy, look at the bath tub. here’s the answer to your question. do you think the hair dye came out or not? if the hair dye did not come out, mommy, youhave a lot of explaining to do. why would the tub be all dirty brown? yuck! you’re right, amber. look at how dirty that water is! i was right.

and wow, mom. i forgot how red your hair was. oh, is it so beautiful you don’t want todye my hair anymore? i still want to dye your hair. why don’t we go in the living room so youcan dye my hair? this is going to be so awesome! you might have rainbow hair, just like yoursister did. if you dye my hair rainbow colors, do youthink i’ll have rain powers just like elsa did when she had rainbow hair?

i never thought about that. if you did, that’d be so awesome! let’s color your hair here right now justto see what happens. oh boy. maybe i shouldn’t have mentioned that. too late! let’s dye your hair. lean back, mommy. hey girls, is it too late for me to chickenout on this?

hah hah! very funny, mommy. well, let’s start dyeing your hair. ooh, let’s see what purple looks like withyour red hair. that looks really cool. i can already see some purple. mommy, i think you’re going to love this‘cause the purple‘s going to match your dress you’re wearing right now. now it’s my turn to color mommy’s hairwith this pink marker.

this pink is so bright! wow. let me see. this blue marker is pretty bright too! i know you girls have been having a lot offun, but i am laying down on this hard wooden floor, so let’s hurry it up! i’ll go super speed. i think i’m done. ou can sit up now, mommy.

well mommy, you look so beautiful! yeah, mom! you look like a rock star or something. why don’t you see if you have any rain powers? let it rain! aw, nothing happened! how come elsa has all the powers and you gotnothing? gee, i don’t know. maybe barbie has to dye my hair or something.

oh mommy, it doesn’t matter if you havesuper powers. we just love you ‘cause you’re our mommy! aw, i love you girls. you two are the best! if you like anna’s new rainbow hair, pleaseclick “like.” about a month ago, i made a video where elsahad rainbow hair and she had rain powers, and now i have rainbow hair and have no powers. please write down in the comment section whyyou think anna didn’t have any powers.