kids bath robe

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kids bath robe


♪ max & ruby ♪ ruby & max ♪ ruby & max ♪♪ >> max & ruby. >> ruby, and her little brother, max. >>> kids giggling: max & ruby. closed captioning provided by corus entertainment

(rocket buzzing) >> (ruby gasps) whoa! max, hurry up, we have to go now. >> stay home. >> laughs: no max, you can't stay home. we're going to louise's

on the bus. it's going to be here any... sighs: oh, minute. i'd better go check the bus schedule, and find out when the next bus is. you need to stop playing with your ear-splitter space rocket,

and get ready to go. >> rocket: greetings, earthling. >> ruby: the next bus is in... two minutes. gasps: i'll just call louise, and let her know we're on a later bus. >> rocket: blast off. >> max,

you're still playing. we have to go. >> we can't stay home, max, we're going to louise's. >> louise on phone: hello? >> hi louise, it's ruby. >> (louise talking on phone) >> we missed the bus. yes, but there's another bus

in two minutes, and we'll be on that one. okay, bye. gasps: max! >> okay max, you can take your ear-splitter space rocket with you to louise's. i have my purse, and just enough money

for two tickets. >> (siren ringing) emergency! >> whoa! >> ambulance: emergency! >> ruby: hurry, max, or we'll miss the bus. i've got your ear-splitter space rocket.

now let's go outside and wait for the bus. >> max, we have to leave right now, or we'll miss the next... sighs: bus. i'd better call louise again. hi, louise? >> it's me again.

>> (louise talking loudly) >> yes, i'm sorry, but we missed another bus. >> i know, but we'll catch the next one, i promise. >> ruby: okay max, you can take your rescue ranger emergency ambulance, and over to louise's,

but we have to hurry. the next bus is coming soon. now you wait here, while i check the schedule. good, we have plenty of time to catch the next one. okay max, i have your ear-splitter space rocket, and i have your

rescue ranger emergency ambulance, and i have my purse with money for the bus tickets. let's go. >> max: stay... home. >> okay, you can bring your rock crusher dump truck and your fire truck too.

you can bring whatever you want, just hurry. all right, max, i'd better get a tote bag to put all of this in. don't go anywhere, max. (bus passing) >> max: bus. >> oh no,

we missed another one. now i'll have to check the schedule again. there's only one more bus, we have to catch that one. okay max, i'm packing your and your rescue ranger your rock crusher dump truck, and your fire truck,

even your red rubber elephant. now let's go catch that bus. >> max, come out and close the door. hurry. >> (max sighing) >> i can't believe we're finally going to catch the bus to louise's!

oh good, here comes the bus. now i'll just get the money out for our tick... gasps: oh no! my purse, i left it inside. you wait there, max, i'll be right back. >> bus. >> ruby: wait!

wait! oh good. no!! sighs: that was the last bus, max. now we can't go to louise's and play. >> louise: hi, ruby. >> ruby gasps: louise!

what are you doing here? >> i got tired of waiting, so i decided to take the bus here. >> that's great. >> we're going to have so much fun. >>> (ruby and louise giggling) >> ruby: what do you want to do?

>> max: stay home. >> look everyone, this is a perfect place to plant our marigolds. there's nice rich soil here. marigolds love that, especially if it has worms in it. >> worm cake.

>> that's disgusting, max. we're going to make a marigold garden. aren't we, curly shirley? there's just the right amount of sunlight here. marigolds need sunlight to turn yellow, and stay yellow. max, what are you doing

with my gardening trowel? >> ruby: no, max, you can't make a worm cake here. i'm planting my dolly's marigold garden. okay, max, come over here. you can make your disgusting worm cake over here. put anything you like in it,

over here. i'll plant my marigolds, over there. now where... is it? there it is, the perfect marigold trowel. (door closing) >> okay, now i'm ready to start planting my marigolds.

we learned all about planting marigolds at school. if you watch very carefully, and listen to everything i say, you'll know what marigolds need to grow big and beautiful. hmmm... what we need is some water, to loosen the soil up.

(water running) (tap squeaking) >> ruby: marigolds need water, just like you and i do. if they don't have water, they just shrivel up and die. see, rapunzel? that water will make it much easier to dig.

now, we'll save all this soil 'til later. then we'll put it around the marigold's roots, to keep them warm at night. marigolds need soil in their bed, just like we need blankets on our bed. when you're digging,

you should always be on the look out for things that marigolds need. what's that? look what i found: stones, see? this is what i'm talking about: you need stones when you're planting marigolds too.

they help hold the water around the roots, so the marigolds can drink. okay, i think the hole is deep enough. now i'll get one of the most important things marigolds need: now where is it? there it is!

perfect. >> ruby: this is organic plant food. marigolds need organic plant food, just like max and i need strawberry jam sandwiches. okay, now i think i've got everything: the hole, water,

soil, worms, stones, plant food, check. that's everything. whoops, i forgot the most important thing of all, the marigolds. now where did i put them? there they are. aren't they beautiful?

i knew you'd like them. now comes the final step: we put the marigolds in the hole. next, we put some water in. what happened to all the water? where are the worms? and the stones? and the plant food?

and the soil? max, what did you do with them? >> ruby: max, you used everything for your worm cake. now i can't plant marigolds in my dolly's garden. i don't want your disgusting worm cake.

i want the things my marigolds need to grow big and beautiful. don't you remember what they need, max? >> ruby gasps: thank you, max. (water dripping) >> (ruby humming) oh, it's raining, mr. quack.

let's get you and mrs. quack inside, before you get all wet. (rain falling) we'd better go inside. max, it's raining, we have to go inside. >> outside. >> no max,

we can't stay outside, it's raining. >> all right max, we can play outside in the rain, but only if we're dressed for the rain. come on inside, and we'll put on our rain clothes, okay?

>> max: outside. >> giggling: that was close. we nearly got all wet. >> ruby: not yet, max. we have to get dressed for the rain first, or we'll get soaked. okay max, all our rain clothes are here.

you put yours on, and i'll put mine on. first we'll put our boots on. rubber boots will keep our feet nice and dry in the rain. now, which rain boots should i wear? >> ruby: max? you can't go outside

until you've got all your rain clothes on, remember? now put the boot on your foot, let's see... i have two pairs of boots: one red, and one yellow. which ones should i wear? i'll ask my dolls.

what do you think? (boot squeaking on floor) max, where are you going? >> uh uh uh, max. with one boot on. come on. you have to put your other boot on, too. i think you're right,

curly shirley. the red boots are much nicer. gasps: max? where are you going now? >> ruby giggles: no, not yet, max. (boots squeaking on floor) hmmm.... something doesn't sound right.

let me check those boots. you've got them on the wrong feet. here, let me help you, max. you had your right boot on your left foot, and your left boot on your right foot. now, let's put your left boot

on your left foot. there, and your right boot on your right foot, like that. now, where was i? oh yes, i have to put my other boot on. (humming "frere jacques") hold it, max. where do you think you're going?

>> ruby giggles: max, you need more than boots to go out in the rain. you need a raincoat. we call this a slicker. it's so slick, the rain just slides off it. that will keep the rain off your whole body,

and i'll put my slicker on, too. >> ruby laughs: max, you're still not ready to go out in the rain. you have to put your rain hat on to keep the rain off your head. laughing: whoops, let's fix that. there.

now we're both covered from head to toe, and we're ready for the rain. except for one more thing: an umbrella. there's one for me, and one for you. with umbrellas over our heads, we won't have to worry about

getting any rain on us anywhere. gasps: oh no, max. never open an umbrella in the house, that's bad luck. >> outside! >> laughing: yes, max, now we can go outside. we're all dressed for the rain.

okay, max, now that we're outside, we can put our umbrellas up. are you ready? okay, one... two... three... let them go. there, now we can play outside

as long as we like, and we won't feel a drop of rain. this is fun. ruby: oh, we're all dressed for the rain, and now it's stopped. well, i guess we should go back inside and

take all our rain clothes off, there's no point wearing rain clothes if there's no rain. let's go, max. ruby: the clouds are gone, and the sun is out. how can it be raining? hey!

>> rain! >> max! giggling: thanks, max.